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A collage of Pnei Mitzvah ceremony programs from 1993 to 2023
This program has started, but you can still sign up

Pnei Mitzvah 2023-2025 Cohort | Year 2

The second year cohort for the Peretz Centre's Pnei Mitzvah program (2023-2025)

Program Description

Important: Registration is restricted to students who participated in the Year 1 cohort. The Peretz Centre's Pnei Mitzvah program offers students aged 10-13 a pluralistic, non-dogmatic approach to Jewish education and culture that emphasizes the humanist and progressive aspects of our heritage. Over two years of bi-weekly sessions, Pnei Mitzvah cohorts focus on literature, language, ethics, music, art, and dance to connect with and reinterpret traditions in new ways. Although children learn about Jewish spirituality and religious history, Peretz does not seek to promote particular religious commitments or doctrines. Peretz is an LGBTQ+ safe environment, and while we are rooted in the Ashkenazi humanist, yiddishist culture that gave birth to Peretz, Jews of all backgrounds are welcome, and the diversity of global Judaism is explored in our Pnei Mitzvah curriculum. *** Schedule & Fees *** Pnei Mitzvah classes (Year 2 cohort) take place two Sundays a month from 10am-12pm at the Peretz Centre, from October 20 to the Pnei Mitzvah celebration towards the end of the school year. Please note the following schedule, which may change according to your plans for the end of program ceremony (usually in June): - October 20 - November 3 & 24 - December 1 & 15 - January 19 & 26 - February 9 & 23 - March 9 & 23 - April 6 & 27 - May 4 & 25 - June 8 & 22 The standard fee for the course is $690 in Year 2. Payment plans are also available to address financial access barriers. *** Instructor Bio *** Tania Grinberg is a singer, composer, theatre actor, writer, illustrator, and animator who has performed around the world. As an educator in Vancouver and in Sao Paolo, Brazil, she helps students connect artistic expression in threatre, music, and more to Judaism. In 2021, she won the People's Choice Prize for "New Song in Yiddish" at the Bubbe Awards.

Started Oct 20, 2024The Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture

2 spots left

Upcoming Classes

Contact Details

  • The Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture

    Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture, Ash Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

    (604) 325-1812

Cancellation Policy

The Peretz Centre's Pnei Mitzvah is a two-year program, with fees due at the start of each year. Annual fees must be paid at time of registration or by arrangement with Peretz staff. Students are expected to participate in both years. If the minimum threshold of five registered students is not met, the program may be modified to mitigate excess costs.

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